What if inquiry is purposeful?

This approach helps teachers to create an environment where learners find & use information for a reason or purpose that they believe is important. Here are the five elements of the purposeful inquiry approach.

Purposeful Inquiry

The Five Elements


is targeted.
Curiosity & intrigue
is activated.
A Question Mark
Learners inquire
for a purpose.
Inquiry is made
explicit and clear.
The journey
is personalised
with learners.



Deeper understanding is targeted.

Which means that we as teachers
Identify what we want our learners to develop deeper understanding of and provide time for them to discuss what their understanding is.
So that our learners
Build conceptual frameworks of understanding they can use to help them make sense of new and unknown contexts.

Prioritise this if you want your learners to:

  • Develop & deepen understanding of the world around them.
  • Give meaning to their inquiry as they will have a clear idea of what they are trying to understand and why.
  • Be able to apply the understanding to help them learn about things they do not know a lot about.
  • Deepen their understanding by exploring multiple contexts and learning from others doing different contexts.
  • Be reflecting on how their understanding is changing.



Curiosity & intrigue is activated.

Which means that we as teachers
Engage and inspire our learners with new contexts, multiple topics & a range of experiences and give them a voice in what they want to inquire into.
So that our learners
Learners are intrigued and motivated to learn about new things and can follow their interests.

Prioritise this if you want your learners to:

  • Be engaged and interested in what they are learning.
  • Be motivated to learn about new things, outside of their natural interests or experiences.
  • Be able to follow their own passions and interests.
  • Make connections within & between what they are learning.
  • Have a voice in what they want to inquire into.



Learners inquire for a purpose.

Which means that we as teachers
Support learners to find a purpose to work towards, giving them a clear direction and deeper meaning to their inquiry.
So that our learners
Learners go beyond just ‘research & present’ and towards using info. in new and different ways for an important reason or purpose.

Prioritise this if you want your learners to:

  • Experience inquiry like it happens in the ‘real world’.
  • Have a clear direction for their inquiry.
  • Go beyond ‘research & regurgitate’ - the end point of the inquiry shifts towards a thoughtful outcome.
  • Be able to research & use what they have found out in different ways for a reason or purpose - other than a presentation.
  • Apply deep thinking to their inquiry.



Inquiry is made explicit and clear.

Which means that we as teachers
Ensure learners understand the components or parts of an inquiry journey, and the mindset, skills and tools required to be successful.
So that our learners
Learners have clarity around the process of inquiry and what they can do to make their journey successful.

Prioritise this if you want your learners to:

  • Know the key components of effective inquiry.
  • Be able to plan their own inquiry journey successfully.
  • Have the confidence to take on their own inquiry journeys.
  • Choose the mindsets, skills and tools that would be helpful for them in their journey.
  • Take increasing ownership over their learning journeys.



The journey is personalised with learners.

Which means that we as teachers
Consider each individual learner and customise the inquiry journey in different ways to suit them.
So that our learners
Feel included and successful, and develop at the level and rate that works best for them.

Prioritise this if you want your learners to:

  • Be successful and have a positive attitude towards inquiry.
  • Feel included and involved in what everybody is doing.
  • Be taught the things they need at the time & level they need it.
  • Have the resources and materials that help them with their learning.
  • Be stretched to the right degree of challenge for them.

What if there were resources to create a purposeful inquiry?

We have created downloadable & printable resources for you to help teachers change their practice so learning is connected and real for the learners; where learners co-construct deep understanding of important ideas, and through an inquiry approach, they learn skills that are transferable across the curriculum & amp; for life.


The Approaches

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