Challenging is not enough.
We empower you with the
resources to change

Challenging is not enough.
We empower you with the resources to change

We offer resources to help you in your journey towards Innovative, Future Focused Education. Our downloadable and printable resources are wide-ranging and cover all 10 Approaches.

Browse through our resources website or contact us to design a programme best suited to your learners' needs.

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Maths & Reading / Writing hubs for learner agency

Maths & Reading / Writing hubs for learner agency

We have also designed and created Learning Hubs For Agency websites for schools to purchase. These hubs were made to provide teachers with the resources they need to have their learners do things like:

  • Identify their next steps.
  • Plan their own learning.
  • Work at their own pace.
  • Set their own goals & targets.
  • Independently learn, practise & prove new skills.
  • Have agency in their learning.

Our hubs are google-sites with over 500 videos, 1200 activities, 200 assessment tasks, and endless resources to help you improve the journey of teaching and learning in your school. The hubs are a one-time-only payment with no yearly subscriptions or ongoing costs. Talk to us to learn more about prices and to explore our sample-sites.

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The Approaches

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